Thank You for Support of Outreach Programs

September 22, 2006

Neil T. O’Donnell, Esq.

Phoenix Plaza, Suite 400

22 E. Union Street

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701

Dear Attorney O’Donnell,

It is our wish that your award presentation during our Annual Awards Reception might in some small way demonstrate our appreciation for all that the O’Donnell Family has done for the Greater Wilkes-Barre Association for the Blind.

I am happy to report that our event not only successfully raised funds for the Blind Association, but raised community awareness as well. Response from those who attended has been very positive and congratulatory. Over 250 were present, including many new friends. We hope that you will share in our satisfaction in this endeavor.

On behalf of everyone here at the Association for the Blind, I wish to thank you for your friendship and support.

Warmest Regards,

Ronald V. Petrilla, Ph.D.

Executive Director

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