For your attorney to be able to adequately represent you and make progress with your case, it is very important for you to keep in touch with the paralegal who is assigned to your case. The paralegal is there to help you and needs to know how you are progressing, which simply means, keep in contact with them and advise what doctors are you treating with, the dates and times of your next scheduled appointments, how long were you hospitalized, how many times are you going per week for physical therapy, the contact information for a new doctor or medical provider, the dates of any surgery, MRIs, or even injections you may need to undergo.
A paralegal would also need to know what activities or duties you are no longer capable of doing, hobbies that you once did on a regular basis that you are now unable to do because of your injuries.
They need to know how long you have been out of work, what limitations are now imposed by your doctors, how you are feeling emotionally, if you are sleeping or having nightmares because of the trauma you experienced, how you are able to get around if you cannot drive, and any and all impairments and problems that you are experiencing since your injuries began.
It is also important to let the paralegal know if you are having trouble obtaining your prescription medications, or you receive a notification that your auto benefits have been exhausted and are wondering what to do to get your bills paid and continue receiving medical treatment. By keeping the paralegal updated, they can help you and provide you with needed information to get things moving again. Never be afraid to call and ask a question. No question is unimportant. They will try to get you the answers you seek quickly to put you at ease in this very difficult time in your life. As a paralegal, I enjoy helping our clients in any way that I can and appreciate hearing from them.