Aggressive driving has been a problem on our roadways for quite some time. Unfortunately, road rage is rapidly becoming worse with an increasing number in fatalities. We are all guilty of this at some point in our driving career but, how we handle ourselves when faced with an aggressive driver, is key in diffusing a potentially fatal situation.
Should you come across having aggravated another driver, regardless who is at fault, do not react or retaliate to the other driver sharing the road. Reacting can lead to a collision with life altering injuries or even death. Road rage injuries or fatalities are not always crash related. In some instances, an irate driver stops their vehicle and approaches the other driver. This can result in a physical altercation. Instead, try to keep calm and stay in control of your own actions.
Unfortunately, road rage is not going away. All you can do as a driver is be aware and obey the rules of the road. While it may be difficult in a road rage moment, do not give in to the anger on the road. Always think before you beep the horn, yell at the other driver or flash an inappropriate hand gesture, because you do not know what may trigger the person in the vehicle around you. Safety is utmost important than running the risk of endangering your life and the lives around you.