I can sympathize with the many people going through the flooding and worry of Hurricane Harvey. I was part of the flood of 1972 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and the not knowing where you will go and the stress of watching your home and belongings be sucked up by the raging waters is enough to break anyone’s heart. I know that Atty Neil O’Donnell and his family were displaced from their family home for several months during the flood caused by Hurricane Agnes.
My brave nephew, Colton, is in Army continuing his training at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. I was so happy to receive word today from him that he is safe. It was merely a text message, but I will take it. It is my understanding he is part of the rescue and relocation mission there. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of them.
If you would like to help now, please consider the American Red Cross. I know they were vital to the recovery of Northeast Pennsylvania after the flood here in 1972. They set up shelters, and gave us food and water. You can contact them as follows:
Help those affected by #HurricaneHarvey. Visit http://redcross.org , call 1-800-RED CROSS or text HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
Our law office, O’Donnell Law Office, located at 267 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, Pa., 18704, has placed a box in the front entranceway of our office and is accepting any donations that I plan to send to my nephew to distribute. Please do not bring any monetary donations to the Office. Just blankets, canned food, etc. We will get them to Colton over the next few weeks.