Car Accidents & Truck Accidents & Holiday Travel

Thanksgiving is always one of the most traveled holidays in America.  More traffic can mean more car accidents and truck accidents.  First, you need to rest before you travel.  In this way, your reaction to other car accidents or truck accidents or near accidents may be sharper.  As soon as you get in your vehicle, buckle your seat belt and be sure all your passengers are buckled up.

Next, you must allow for more time to get where you want.  Since there are so many more vehicles on the road, it is simply harder to get where you want because there are more cars and trucks on the road.  By giving yourself extra travel time, you are less likely to increase your own risks by speeding or improper merging, or being so frustrated that “road rage” sets in.

You should pay extra attention to the road–no multitasking on the phone or other electronic devices.  Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents or truck accidents at all times, but even more so if these are more vehicles on the road with you.  If your phone or something else falls off the seat or dashboard, do not rach for it-pull over and secure the item.

Speed is also a common factor in most car accidents or truck accidents.  You must control your own speed so that you can best react to the other vehicle and circumstances surrounding you on the road.  You should keep at least a 2-4 second break between you and the vehicle in front of you.  Be ready for sudden stops.

Children get frustrated too on long trips.  Try your best to account for this reality by stopping a little more often, and making sure everyone is fed and able to use the restroom.  Plan for extra games or other activities that do not involve you as the driver. If possible, travel with a passenger who is primarily involved in taking care of the children passengers.  Your focus must remain on the road.

As the driver, getting everyone to the “Holiday Fun” safely is not always easy.  Taking this responsibility seriously, is the best way to avoid a car accident or truck accident.  Be safe, and may all your travels be safe ones.

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