What should I do if I am involved in a motor vehicle collision caused by an intoxicated driver?

By: Joshua Perry

For most, the holidays are a joyful time of year, filled with holiday parties and gatherings. Oftentimes, these events include alcohol. According to the NHTSA, in 2020, between Christmas and New Year’s, there were 209 drunk driving related fatalities. If you are attending a holiday party and intend on drinking, be sure to have a plan in place, so you do not need to get behind the wheel.

If you are injured in a motor vehicle collision caused by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, give O’Donnell Law Offices a call. We can help you navigate through determining what avenues of recovery are available.

Important considerations in the event of a motor vehicle collision caused by an intoxicated driver 

If the individual causing the collision was under the influence of alcohol, there is likely to be a criminal suit brought against that individual by the District Attorney’s office. This may provide benefit to your claim and reveal necessary information pertinent to any civil suit you bring relative to the collision. Important information, such as which establishment provided the alcohol to the intoxicated individual is often obtained during the initial investigation.

It is best to contact our office as soon as possible, so that we can investigate the facts surrounding the collision. This will help to preserve crucial evidence, helping to further support your claim. Some important things to take note of for an initial meeting with one of our attorneys:

  • The location of the collision.
  • Which police department responded to the scene.
  • Which EMS unit responded.
  • Where you received treatment for your injuries.
  • If there were witnesses present, or photographs or videos.
  • If there are any businesses that are near the collision location.
  • Your automobile insurance coverage.
  • Any other individuals involved in the collision.
  • Any information pertaining to the individual that caused the collision.
  • If the individual causing the collision was intoxicated, it is important to know where they consumed their alcohol.
  • There may be additional parties to your claim as well as surveillance footage at the establishment where the alcohol was served.

If the individual causing the collision was impaired, it may change your insurance coverage at the time of the collision. This may allow you to recover for injuries you might not otherwise have been able to recover for. There might also be coverage available through the establishment that provided the alcohol to the individual.

If you are unfortunate enough to be injured in a collision with an intoxicated driver, please give our office a call. Alcohol related claims can often be complex and involve sophisticated parties. Our office can help you navigate through these issues.



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