Driving While Under the Influence of Marijuana — Still a Bad Idea

By: Neil O’Donnell

According to the International Journal of Drug Policy, the legalization of marijuana accounts for an additional 1,400 traffic fatalities each year. The Wall Street Journal reports many drivers simply do not realize marijuana impairs driving. In fact, only 70% say it is “very dangerous” to drive an hour after using marijuana.

Safe driving requires the ability to judge speed, distance, and time. You need to know when to stop, accelerate, pass vehicles, and apply the brakes. All of that can be impaired by marijuana, just like alcohol. Plus, cannabis combined with alcohol only amplifies impairment – as studies have shown.

Identifying when a driver is impaired by marijuana has long been difficult, partly

because there is not a reliable drug test for impairment like there is with alcohol. Law enforcement is trying to address this problem. One solution could be saliva tests that check for recent marijuana use, coupled with training to look for signs that a driver is high.

Sooner or later, technology will catch up on this issue. Simple advice going forward: Don’t drive high.  

If you or someone you know was in an accident caused by an impaired driver, give our team a call. We can help. 

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